Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Starting An Online Business

A Simple Tip When Starting An Online Business

by Tom Wayne

Like most people, I struggled greatly at first with starting a business online.

I had great hopes of some sort of turnkey opportunity that was going to make me a ton of money in little or no time.

To my discovery I found that it actually takes a lot of hard work, and there is no such thing as overnight success.

I did accept this in the beginning and decided to go for it.

I guess I did what most newcomers do -- download pretty much anything -- signed up for pretty much everything.

Almost immediately I began hop skipping and stumbling from eBook to report to product to forum....

It wasnt long before i was overloaded with information.

The 'paralysis of analysis' was starting to set in...

Uggggh! I figured i was done before i really even got started..

I was to busy trying to learn everything and realizing i wasnt really doing anything.

'Uploads' 'downloads' 'websites' 'hosting accounts' 'html' 'lists' 'autoresponders'....

The information overload wasn't ending!

Another week passed and I think my wife was beginning to get discouraged of all the time and effort i was putting into this with minimal results.

And then I found something that gave me a serious wake up call. It was as follows:

"…those that focus on one tactic, and make that one tactic successful, before moving on to something new, usually do well online…'

So guess what? I tried it. And would you believe it ? It worked!

I started applying this attitude immediatlely. A few weeks later - after deciding to learn ONE thing at a time - I actually began to see results.

I am convinced that the success ive had is due to the fact that I stopped wasting time trying to juggle the nearly impossible -- and instead -- decided to work on ONE thing at a time and see it through to completion.

Here's an example:

I've put in many hours and days - really trying to master Keywords. Really putting the grind on wordtracker and the free google keyword tool - to learn what long tail keywords were and a short tail.

After educating myself - I began using better keywords in my articles.

Beforehand it was just a guess as to what I thought people were searching.

Articles are now better optimized for keywords, and more people began to find them, giving me better traffic to my site and sign ups.

It Worked!

But it did take some hard work.

So -- the point of this post -- is for you, as a newcomer, that may be struggling the same way i was.

Set a weekly goal for an achievement of just ONE thing. Dont try to take on the world and master everything. You won't. And focus on that one particular goal. Try to keep things as simple as possible and maintain a clear mind.

Master ONE thing at a time.

Get good at it!

Then when you feel comfortable that your proficient in that particular area-move to the next. It works!

To make money online takes education, understanding, and implementation. It all comes in time. So don't overwhelm yourself "Just be patient and it will come".

Best Regards,


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